What Awaits Restaurants in 2020?

Whether in fashion or in food, trends always come and go. It’s also common for certain trends to be cyclical. One example in the restaurant industry is The Melting Pot. The fondue trend basically died off with the ’70s. Then The Melting Pot came along and made it a thing again.

When you own a restaurant, you need to stay on top of current dining trends while being flexible enough to adapt to evolving trends.

Where a customer’s taste goes, the wallet is sure to follow.

Here, we’ll take a look at what trends are coming in 2020.

1. Plant-Based Options

If you haven’t seen all the recent hype about plant-based burgers, you might be living in a bubble.

The manufacturers Beyond Meat and Impossible Foods are leading the push for meatless burgers that diners can’t even tell are not meat.

Large chain fast food establishments such as Carl’s Jr. and Burger King have already launched their meatless burgers to customers. KFC is even testing out a meatless chicken option at a location in Atlanta. Additional restaurants are sure to follow.

The huge surge in demand is being fueled by a consumer perception that a meatless option is healthier for them.

Is this a trend you should hitch your wagon to?

2. Sustainable Foods and Utensils

With concerns about climate and ecological health growing by the day, individuals have begun to look for new ways to sustain the earth. Several states and cities have enacted regulations on items like plastic straws at restaurants. Many restaurants will now only give out a straw if it’s requested. Some have banned them completely.

Beyond straws, many of the one-time-use plastics restaurants give customers are being changed out for options that are eco-friendly.

For example, you’ve probably noticed a lot fewer styrofoam cups. Restaurants are using more recyclable and renewable materials for their customers.

3. Added Convenience

As we get into 2020, expect to witness more restaurants listed on food delivery apps such as GrubHub, Doordash, Uber Eats, and Postmates.

Recently, McDonald’s partnered with DoorDash to secure home delivery meal service in more than 10,000 locations across the entire United States.

Adding convenience for customers extends beyond home delivery services. In 2020, expect to see a big increase in mobile ordering options, self-pickup locations, and self-ordering kiosks.

How could you work some of these ideas into your business?

4. CBD Oil

You see CBD for sale just about everywhere these days. Ever since the day The Farm Bill was made law, cannabidiol (the active compound in Cannabis that is known for potential health benefits) is showing up in very unexpected places.

In fact, CBD is no longer confined to use within oils or capsules. It can now be found in things like popcorn, cocktails, gummies, chocolate, sparkling water, and almost any food item you can think of.

Is it time to work the CBD trend into your restaurant’s marketing repertoire?

Just remember that CBD-infused foods are not yet federally legal. It is also not legal in every US state. Check your local laws.

Stay Ahead of the 2020 Trends

Any of these four trends could pay big dividends for your restaurant if you implement them the right way. Before 2020 shows up, spend some time figuring out the best way for you to be a trendsetter.